Today AdvicePharma develops and provides companies with the most comprehensive IT platforms on the IT market, as well as knowledge of the latest trends and technologies available.
Organizations must ensure the timely implementation of strategic activities, remotely optimizing support chains, and informed control of activities must be at the heart of the company’s software.
Our approach
One of AdvicePharma’s goals has always been to create value by offering customers the maximum benefits through software and hardware development for solutions dedicated to them. The custom software for us is similar to the work of a tailor who “sews a tailor-made suit”.
When a company decides to tackle a custom software development project, it has specific needs, and usually does not find solutions on the market that fully satisfy them. In these cases, we know how to accompany and lead the client in the important phase of needs analysis, clarifying and defining the processes that will have to be managed. Our goal is to create a project plan that takes into account the terms defined by the client (budget, timing, etc.) and maximizes the expected results.
First method: preliminary analysis
The first method involves a very accurate analysis phase, carried out through interviews with the key figures of the project, both external (e.g.: doctors) and internal (e.g.: internal to the company), followed by the drafting of a document describing the objectives, critical issues, timescales, activities and associated costs. In other words, a sustainable solution suitable for the requirements analysed is designed. Through the sharing with the client of what has been described, we make the necessary changes to the solution and after approval we start the development and implementation phase of the project, monitoring milestones and outputs.
Second method: Agile
The second mode, called “agile”, however, provides for a preliminary analysis phase but development begins immediately and the customer is delivered quickly and periodically working prototypes on which, thanks to its indications and tests, we proceed with the enrichment of functionality and bug fixing.
Application as a service and Innovations
Some projects involve the development of vertical skills that often belong to the AdvicePharma network. From these, synergies are born with our clients destined to create successful partnerships. In recent years, in fact, unique and innovative projects have been implemented that have led to the publication of results, or the development of strategic algorithms to achieve specific objectives.