ICEvent: Interactive Workshop on eCRF-building WITH ICE


Organized by Advice Pharma Group in collaboration with Alfa Technologies International

On 28 November 2017, at the Polihub Bovisa – Politecnico di Milano, Milan

Speed in data collection and aggregation of information and cost reduction. These are the basic requirements for being competitive in conducting clinical studies. And that’s what Ice (Integrated Clinical Trial Environment), a new platform for clinical data collection created by Advice Pharma, does. The workshop organized at the PoliHub, the business incubator of the Politecnico di Milano, brings together experts from the public and private sectors to discuss the advantages and opportunities of using this innovative solution.

AdvicePharma is an Italian company that develops services and technologies for data and information management in the medical-scientific field. The company mission is to develop and provide quality services through the selection of the best technological and professional resources.

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Advice Pharma Group Srl is a UNI EN ISO 13485:2016 certified company for the provision of services for third parties for design, development and testing of standalone software medical devices intended for monitoring, diagnosis and therapy.

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Advice Pharma Group Srl is a UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certified company
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